August 25, 2023

Uncommon Python Type Hints for Special Cases


Python is great at being a dynamically and strongly-typed programming language. However, once you get enough mileage working with large Python codebases, you’ll probably realize that dyanmic types can be confusing, cause bugs, and result in unexpected behavior. The folks maintaining Python realized this as well, and decided to implement a built-in way to add static type annotations in Python (see PEP 484).

7 years have passed since then, and type hinting in Python has matured and evolved, with new features being implemented in every new Python version. In this post, I wanted to go over some of the more advanced and newly added features, with the hopes that you will find them useful and integrate them into your codebase.

A basic knowldge of type hinting in Python is assumed. If you need a refresher, I recommend this guide from Real Python.

Parameter specification variables

Let’s imagine you’d like to write a simple decorator, which will print a message every time a method is called:

from typing import Callable, TypeVar

R = TypeVar('R')

def log(func: Callable[..., R]) -> Callable[..., R]:
	def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
		print('Method has been called!')
		return func(*args, **kwargs)

	return wrapper

def add(a: int, b: int) -> int:
	return a + b

In case you aren’t familiar with TypeVar, a type variable lets you refer to the same type in multiple places without specifying the exact type.

In the code snippet above, a type variable was used in the log method type signature to annotate that the decorated method’s return type is the same as that of func.

The following call to add is invalid, and one would expect type checkers to report it as an error, however it will only fail at runtime:

add(1, 'a')  # Fails at runtime

This is because the the decorated add has the typing Callable[..., int] (with ... meaning arguments aren’t validated). PEP 612 addresses this issue by introducing ParamSpec. ParamSpec variables are a new type of type variables, used for defining the dependencies between different callables (such as decorators and the decorated method).

Using ParamSpec, we can modify the example above to enforce the parameters types of the decorated method, while maintaining the decorator’s flexibility:

from typing import Callable, ParamSpec, TypeVar
P = ParamSpec('P')R = TypeVar('R')

def log(func: Callable[P, R]) -> Callable[P, R]:	def wrapper(*args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs):		print('Method has been called!')
		return func(*args, **kwargs)

	return wrapper

def add(a: int, b: int) -> int:
	return a + b

The following will now be reported as an error by the type checker:

add(1, 'a')  # Rejected by the type checker

This feature was shipped in Python 3.10.

User-defined type guards

Let’s assume you’re writing a utility method, validating that an object is of a desired type (used for type narrrowing):

from typing import Union

RealNumber = Union[int, float]

def is_real_number(value: object) -> bool:
	return isinstance(value, int) or isinstance(value, float)

def print_value_type(value: object):
	if is_real_number(value):
		assert value == value.real  # Error: invalid type

The above code is valid, however static type checkers will report an error. This is because a type checker doesn’t have enough information to verify that value is a number. Using TypeGuard, introduced in PEP 647, we can enable type narrowing by changing the return type hint of is_real_numeber to TypeGuard[RealNumber]. This will signal to type checkers that if the method returns True, value is of type RealNumber (and if it returns False, it isn’t). Now, type checkers won’t report any errors:

from typing import Union, TypeGuard
RealNumber = Union[int, float]

def is_real_number(value: object) -> TypeGuard[RealNumber]:	return isinstance(value, int) or isinstance(value, float)

def print_value_type(value: object):
	if is_real_number(value):
		assert value == value.real

This feature was shipped in Python 3.10.

Type hints for dictionaries with a fixed set of keys

Let’s assume we’d like to describe a person using a dictionary:

person = {
	'name': 'Bob',
	'age': 32

The dictionary’s keys should be strings, but we don’t want to constrain the types its values. The type hint Dict[str, Any] (or dict[str, Any] in Python 3.9 and later - see GenericAlias). This is better than nothing, but doesn’t really enforce our requirements for what the person dictionary should look like.

Using TypedDict, introduced in PEP 589, we can now enforce the specific key name and value types in the dictionary:

from typing import TypedDict

class Person(TypedDict):
	name: str
	age: int

Now, a type checker will recognize and enforce the typing of the values (and keys) of Person dictionaries:

person: Person = {
	'name': 'Bob',
	'age': 32
# Or even:
person = Person(name='Bob', age=32)

This feature was shipped in Python 3.8.

Self type hint

Let’s assume we’re developing a program which keeps track of blockchain transactions. A transaction might be represented using this simple interface:

from abc import ABC
from typing import List

class Transaction(ABC):
	def __init__(self, parents: List["Transaction"]):
		self.parents = parents

For Bitcoin transactions, for example, we could implement BitcoinTransaction:

class BitcoinTransaction(Transaction):
    def __init__(self, sender: str, recipient: str, parents: List["Transaction"]):
        self.sender = sender
        self.recipient = recipient

Usage of BitcoinTransaction would look like so:

parent = BitcoinTransaction(sender="Alice", recipient="Bob", parents=[])
transaction = BitcoinTransaction(sender="Bob", recipient="Alice", parents=[parent])
# Rejected by the type checker:
print(f"The parent sender is {transaction.parents[0].sender}")

We received a type checking error because as far as the type checker is concerned, the type of transaction.parents[0] is Transaction, not BitcoinTransaction. To fix this, we can use Self:

from abc import ABC
from typing import List, Self

class Transaction(ABC):
    def __init__(self, parents: List[Self]):
        self.parents = parents

class BitcoinTransaction(Transaction):
    def __init__(self, sender: str, recipient: str, parents: List[Self]):
        self.sender = sender
        self.recipient = recipient

parent = BitcoinTransaction(sender="Alice", recipient="Bob", parents=[])
transaction = BitcoinTransaction(sender="Bob", recipient="Alice", parents=[parent])
print(f"The parent sender is {transaction.parents[0].sender}")

This feature was shipped in Python 3.11.


The type hinting features we’ve explored should enable you to apply type checking to new categories of Python code, which previously couldn’t benefit from automated type checking. I hope this post will inspire you to write code that is more declarative, documented and reliable.

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I'm Itai Steinherz, a software developer from Israel. You can follow me on Twitter and GitHub.